History has reported a series of pandemics before the outbreak of Covid-19, which historically have happened in the world. These pandemics were taken care of by humanity because of the high rate of mortality for instance the 1918 influenza pandemic was the most critical pandemic in recent history. It was caused by an H1N1 virus with genes of avian origin. This last one met people unaware and enough precautions were not put in place. The whole world loses some guards in its defense again the outbreak.

Some people see covid-19 as a disease that brought death to the world. The contamination was so deadly that people died every minute and on a daily basis, people were mourning their loved ones. It is challenging to ascertain the number of people that died. But you can check the complete statistic on Worldometers Coronavirus.


What is Covid-19?

Covid-19 popularly called coronavirus and is a novel severe acute respiratory syndrome. The first infections were discovered in Wuhan, China. The original source and reason for viral transmission to humans remain unknown, as to why the virus became pathogenic eventually.  

The virus identified in 2019, has caused a pandemic of respiratory illness, called COVID-19. Symptoms become visible in people within 2 to 14 days of vulnerability to the virus. A person infected with Covid-19 is contagious to people for up to two days before symptoms show up, and they remain contagious to other people for 10 to 20 days, which is subject to their level of the immune system and the gravity of the illness.

However, others infected with the coronavirus have light COVID-19 illness, and others have no symptoms. In some cases, COVID-19 can lead to respiratory failure, heart muscle damage, nervous system problems, kidney failure, or death. Analysis of the origins of negative emotions from previous experiences reveals that diversity in thinking, reasoning, self-centeredness, and lack of empathy gives rise to human vices that are difficult. 

Even though it is not impossible to overcome through the resurrection of positive emotions such as love, empathy, motivation for good deeds, and philanthropic activities, this story invites you to investigate this idea of Covid-19 as both love and death, and its emotional impacts on families and society.

Coronaviruses are common viruses that cause infections in the nose, sinuses, and upper throat. The world came into panic following a December 2019 outbreak in China, the World Health Organization identified SARS-CoV-2 as a new type of coronavirus in early 2020. The disease quickly spread throughout the world.

It can affect your upper or lower respiratory tract (sinuses, nose, and throat) (windpipe and lungs). It spreads similarly to others primarily through person-to-person contact. Infections can range from mild to fatal.

SARS-CoV-2 is one of seven coronavirus types, including those responsible for severe diseases such as the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and sudden acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). The other coronaviruses cause most of the colds we get throughout the year, but they aren’t a serious threat to healthy people.

Covid 19 is a mutated strain of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) named after the location where it was discovered. Although some patients have been declared cured due to medical treatment that has suppressed the virus, others have died as a result of covid-19 complications.

Covid 19 develops an AIDS-like syndrome with recurring fevers and swollen lymph nodes, diarrhea, skin rashes, internal organ inflammation, and central nervous system damage due to white blood cell loss.

 Symptoms of COVID-19

The following primary symptoms are Fever, Coughing, Breathing difficulties, Fatigue, Chills, sometimes accompanied by shaking, an ache in the body, Headache, Throat discomfort, Running nose/congestion, Sense of smell or taste loss, Nausea, and Diarrhea. While Pneumonia, respiratory failure, heart problems, liver problems, septic shock, and death can all result from the virus.

Many COVID-19 complications may be caused by cytokine release syndrome, also known as a cytokine storm. An infection causes your immune system to release inflammatory proteins known as cytokines into your bloodstream, and they have the potential to kill tissue and harm your organs. Lung transplants have been required in some cases.


Antibody and antiviral therapy are available through the NHS for people with coronavirus (COVID-19) who are at high risk of getting seriously ill. Nirmatrelvir, ritonavir, remdesivir, and molnupiravir are antiviral medicines.

Sotrovimab is a biological medicine. It’s also known as a neutralizing monoclonal antibody (nMAb). In some people, these drugs may help with the management of COVID-19 symptoms and the prevention of serious illness. They are for people who have not been admitted to the hospital.

COVID 19 vaccine

COVID-19 vaccination has immensely changed the pandemic’s ferocious effect, protecting millions of lives globally. However, the shortage of vaccines in many countries has reduced the effects on supply and the acceleration of global vaccination.

COVID-19 Genetic vaccines

The Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines use this applied science to educate the immune system and the vaccines contain a part of the genetic substance of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which gives rise to COVID-19. The genetic substance, RNA in Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccine, codes for a specific viral protein. As soon as it is given, the cells use the genetic substance from the vaccines to create the protein, which is acknowledged by the immune system and trips a particular response. This response builds immune memory, so the body can repel SARS-CoV-2 in the future.

COVID-19 Viral Vector Vaccines

The University of Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine uses this system for protection against COVID-19. This vaccine uses a separate safe virus called the viral vector to deliver SARS-CoV-2 genetic substance. When administered, the cells use the genetic substance to generate a specific viral protein, which is noticed by the immune system and precipitates a response. This result builds immune memory, and the body can fight off the virus in the future.

However, the Covid 19 (Oxford/AstraZeneca) vaccine contains a tiny amount of alcohol, but this is less than in some everyday foods like bread. Because research is still ongoing into how well vaccines protect against disease, infection, and transmission, being vaccinated does not mean we can throw caution to the wind and put ourselves and others at risk.

Safe and effective vaccines are a game-changing tool, but for the foreseeable future, we must continue wearing masks, cleaning our hands, ensuring good ventilation indoors, physically distancing, and avoiding crowds. Anyone who contracts COVID-19 may become ill or suffer long-term consequences (long COVID). COVID-19 immunizations are the most effective strategy to safeguard yourself and others. 

Vaccines can minimize your risk of being seriously ill or dying from COVID-19 and your risk of catching or spreading the virus. The first dose should protect you for 3 to 4 weeks after taking it. You’ll need two dosages for more extensive and long-lasting protection. Boosters are required to enhance the protection provided by the first two doses.

Although the COVID-19 vaccines that have been licensed for use in the United Kingdom have satisfied stringent safety, quality, and effectiveness requirements. They could have some adverse side effects, but not everyone experiences them. Any side effects, such as a sore arm from the injection, fatigue, a headache, feeling achy or being ill, are usually moderate and should not last more than a week. 

Serious adverse effects like allergic reactions or blood clots are uncommon. Taking this vaccine does not mean one can not contact COVID-19. Therefore, it is advisable to adhere to WHO guidelines and rules for the COVID-19 pandemic.

Covid-19 Unite People With Love

When love strikes are impossible to predict. Love is frequently unexpected, but it can be found in unusual places. Although tragic, it’s difficult not to see this as a beautiful way to die: Knowing that your partner loves you so much that they would never want you to be alone; instead, they would rather risk death together than live apart. They demonstrate how deep love can run even in the darkest of times. 

One such case was that of Mark and Jessica Turner. After hearing news reports about patients dying from an unknown disease, Mark stayed by his wife’s side, even after contracting covid 19 himself. Before their lives were tragically cut short, they had been married for two years. 

Their friends reported constantly holding hands or hugging, typical for newlyweds. But what happened next was shocking: when word got out that both had covid-19, people began flocking to their homes to pay their respects before what many thought would be their untimely deaths.

During the lockdown, couples and families had great bonding times, although not all. Love increased significantly in some societies, and families who didn’t know much about each other became more acquitted during the pandemic. Even as the fear of death increases, everyone is protective of their family and loved ones.

Even the people that have food were busy sharing with the ones that didn’t have it. Great love was being manifested toward one another. Neighbors were checking out themselves to show love. Palliatives were one of the terms we were hearing because the communities and well-to-do people were giving out food to the needy and disabled ones. In fact, everybody was manifesting love for one another even the enemies were becoming friends.

Also, if there was animosity against anyone it automatically turned to love because nobody want anyone to die, even people are forced to pray for their enemies to live. Covid-19 pandemic originated the kind of love and affection that human race has never witnessed or experienced because the period made us appreciate and value our existence.

Death Disunited And Void Our Togetherness

The 2019 covid pandemic was one of the most tragic periods. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, were separated from their loved ones in months as highly contagious diseases spread across the country. To some people, love and companionship were not essential factors in survival at the time.

Everyone struggled with physical difficulties which includes keeping distance, and maintaining healthy hygiene while the world was on lockdown. While death claimed so many lives in such a short period, it also elicited strong emotions in those who remained alive.

Many survivors expressed sadness and anger at losing so many loved ones, but it also made them grateful that they still had some support network, even if it wasn’t perfect. Others claim that death did not affect how they felt: no matter how many friends or family members died around them, their feelings toward those who were alive remained constant. 

Those who did report having different feelings, on the other hand, often felt more determined than ever to keep going no matter what happened. The loss of one person or the other in different systems and organizations in the world left a vacuum in the hearts of those related.

Covid-19 Brought New Enlightenment

Covid-19 has really brought new enlightenment to the world and its systemic mode of operation. The ways of doing things change during covid-19 and some have remained to date despite the covid-19 disappearing bit by bit. These changes have really reflected in all spheres of life and human thinking have really improved immensely to accommodate the changes.

The covid-19 pandemic paralyzed all the activities of life even the world economy and other functions were rendered static without a solution initially. People cannot watch the economy collapse so they designed ways of running their businesses. These changes were very effective during the pandemic and a lot of people recorded huge differences and some were not even affected.

For example, most companies resulted in allowing their workers to work from home. And this style was very effective to some and semi-effective to others. After the pandemic, this pattern gives flexibility to the system of operation after the pandemic and during the covid-19. Also, most students were allowed to study from home through Zoom live studies and other video streaming systems.

Some Permanent Effect Of Covid-19 Enlightenment

Covid-19 has completely changed life, and while we hope those changes are pro tem. The epidemic has impaired the laydown system of our existence. This crisis has resolved us into accepting the new system of life and pushed us to exist with it accordingly. Covid-19 post-pandemic changes will remain and co-habit with us if we do not have another pandemic that will change its present effect on our life. The interpersonal relations and our lovely coexistence are seriously marred and tampered with.

Changes In Pattern Of Educational System

Education systems have changed mainly because of the pandemic with home schools being welcome all over the world. While primarily used as a supplement to formal education, public familiarity with these resources has increased. In Post-pandemic, it is likely that this system of education resources will be in use for a longer period of time.

These changes are seen as a worldwide and long-lasting one, this educational system encourages the growth in the use of internet access and mobile data operators to increase their sales and economic value. However, it is important to recognize that this system has widened intellectual growth and easy access to good education.

Also, this new systemic education needs to guarantee the kind of perfectionism required to uplift good quality education, which will ensure that children grow into knowledge-oriented people. This new educational support must help to bolster student learning and knowledge acquisition techniques.

Travelers Are Facing Stringent Travelling conditions

The Covid-19 pandemic disseminated rapidly because of porousness and loopholes in the traveling system owing to the globalization system and the feeble mode of traveling procedure. Application of strict traveling regulations is now enshrined stringently and supported by full proof of vaccination and masking requirements.

However, it is obvious that these preventative protocols will be permanently in place for a more extended period of time if not eternity. And I am very sure that the human race would not want to make the same mistake again, especially with a matter that concerns health. Covid-19 really dealt with us but I am very sure that we have learned our lesson.

The tourism business will continue to be badly affected by partial capacity flights that may be too expensive to maintain and manage which may result in airlines folding up or going into bankruptcy. However, a temporary solution will be a high rate of air traveling tariffs, which might be unaffordable for the majority of travelers and tourists.

Another solution is governmental subvention for airlines or government application subsidy system. Another sector that changes will affect is hotels they will be performing additional and periodic fumigation and sterilization routines. Also, incorporating more stringent limitations on overcrowding, the result will be high operational charges resulting in an increase in room and meal rates.

New System Of Employment

Covid-19 has shown the work designation that can be reduced and changed with modern technology in order to reduce the risk of the disease and augment productivity with positive results. This system has also reduced the running cost and decongestion in the office and at production facilities all over the world.

Most companies are not recruiting new staff and the tentacles of staff hired are spread everywhere even beyond production facilities. Some organizations are offering skills by using virtual training to help new employees find normal positions in a very convenient areas. In any organization, video conferencing is now part of the work routine, instead of face-to-face holding meetings.

More People Are Working From Home

The pandemic compelled workers and businesses worldwide to change patterns by using new communicative technology to work remotely by using an online training aids system that is available. The transition is forcing companies to reevaluate their long-term staffing needs.

However, allowing workers to work from home has increased efficiency and adequate training with a good understanding of new technology, which has increased individual contribution. This style is a much more cost-effective and economic advantage to the company. Most companies have reduced expenses on running costs by using a smaller workforce.

And also engage many of both freelancers and contractual workers. Moreover, the advantage of working from home is attractive, which is less stressful and more relaxing without much workload because workers have more time to make up for lost hours. They are also more closer to both families and friends.

Online Health Care Research And Consultation

According to the Google Search console on most search keywords patients have resulted more into online therapy options. These are already having a higher rate of usage and consultation. However, an online consultation will remain very important but the physical examination and consultation will remain an integral part of medical visits, many medical issues can be diagnosed and managed virtually. Virtual doctor visits reduce waiting times, transportation problems, and online treatment and consultation are more and more included in the medical care routine.

Effect On Economy

Suddenly the home office is a global reality for companies, societies, parastatals, and government workers too. And it is working incredibly and perfectly fine, even delivery service is in high demand because people prefer to order online now than go out for shopping. E-commerce businesses are springing up everywhere on the planet. The distance working system also involves extensible work planning in both schedule and location coupled with a comfortable program of training opportunities.

Emotional effects of Covid 19

As a result of COVID-19’s unprecedented impact on people’s lives, self-awareness and self-love have reached new heights, exposing our darker emotions such as hatred, selfishness, and intolerance, culminating in xenophobic activities. One might expect love to bloom more than ever during the lockdown and home confinement.

However, the reality appears to be quite different, as thousands of divorce cases have been filed worldwide in recent months, despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Life demanded constant close contact with one’s spouse and other family members during the lockdown. A stressed-out environment during confinement and financial constraints caused by the COVID-19 affected economy has resulted in a significant increase in marital conflicts. 

Existing premarital issues, such as a lack of intimacy and a communication gap, contradictions, and differences in thought-process, are now being magnified as couples are forced to confront them, that have been hidden under a restriction-free normal lifestyle. In addition, there are interpersonal differences in how people respond to pandemic principles and hygiene standards. The boredom from repeating the same activities daily and frustration from a scarcity of outside activities contribute to personal unrest, anxiety, indecision, and marital discord.

Can There Be Peace After The Pandemic?

Living in isolation after a pandemic is unthinkable because human nature is social. When an outbreak causes chaos, survivors frequently seek out loved ones. But what happens if others become infected? Many people seem unable to let go of love, even if it kills them. 

People in relationships before infection were more likely to engage in risky behavior, such as staying close to or kissing their partners or sitting next to them on public transportation. This was true both before and after they realized they had been infected. These behaviors are unknown, but they may be related to a desire for companionship or an inability to accept that their partner has become a risk factor. 

Infected people may not want to give up hope that their partner will not become ill. Because there isn’t much else to do during a pandemic, people may want to spend time with their partners. The data also revealed that people who felt more love for their partner were more likely to engage in high-risk behaviors than those who felt less love for them. So, despite knowing that strong feelings of love can make us vulnerable, we continue to fall prey.


The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated that global industrialization and capitalism-driven social systems have only served as destructive forces in recent decades. Massive mobility and flow in terms of exchange and tourism worldwide have caused the pandemic to spread like wildfire. Unchecked emotions, conflict, and intolerance will destroy many of our family and social establishments’ ties. Only the most resilient relationships, nurtured with love, care, and selflessness, can withstand the test of time.

Written By,

Prince Modupe Kashaam

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