Strange restaurant: how to know the food to eat, If so how do you know which food to eat? This article will guide you on how to choose from any strange restaurant menu. And a few other things you must pay attention to and also bear in mind. Firstly, you cannot eat in all restaurants you visit. Secondly, not all the good food you see, that you can eat. As long as you have these in mind, then you need to take serious precautions about your intakes. Because what goes in your stomach does not come out except on rare occasion. So what you consume is very important to your health and wellbeing.


Every delicious food may not be nutritious and vice versa but most foods are delicious and nutritious. furthermore, no matter how delicious and nutritious the food is, it may not be suitable for consumption. In some cases, the food might be good for consumption but may not appeal to your taste or appetite. In making your choice the two sense organs that will assist here are sight and taste. They will play a vital role in choosing good food for your consumption in any restaurant.


The criteria to consider before eating in any strange restaurant are many but we will explain them one by one below under the following subheadings;

  1. Clean and Hygienic Environment
  2. Request for Foods Menu
  3. The Prices of foods and Drinks
  4. Request for Ingredients Against Allergy
  5. Religious Norms (Halal and Haram)
  6. Common and Most Popular Food
  7. Food Recommendation
  8. Personal Preference
  9. Consult Google Search

1. Clean and Hygienic Environment

This is the first criterion to consider in a strange restaurant before you decide whether to eat or not. Hygiene, cleanliness, and tidiness are very crucial to human health so allow them to take a better part of you. The position of the eating area will portray what the kitchen and other areas like the store and toilet will look like. Try to inspect the tablecloths, setting of the dishes, and cutleries cleanliness. Pace around to check the presence of flies, cockroaches, and pests like rats, etc. Allow your good instinct to rule and satisfy your curiosity cautiously.

2. Request For Foods Menu

The selling point of most restaurants is their food menu, this is where everything about the restaurant delicacies is itemized. In fact, the image of the restaurant is built around the kind of food they serve. Starting from the varieties of food and the presentation of the food to the customers. Also, the cooking tradition and some special delicacies are known as the restaurant tradition.

Most restaurants always have an array of foods, and most of their menus contain photos of these foods, while some do not. In most cases, the customers already have about sixty-five percent (65%) knowledge of the food’s combination and presentation through the menu. This system will boost your appetite already before the meal is finally served.

3. The Prices of Foods and Drinks

Prices of the food and drinks are among the reasons, that will determine what you can afford to eat and drink. If you don’t have enough money you cannot eat what you want. Please have in mind that you are in a strange land and strange restaurant. This is a no man’s land where no one will pay your bills for you, or come to your rescue in case of any eventuality. I will implore you to act moderately and accordingly. Please do not forget to cut your coat according to your cloth.

4. Request For Ingredients Against Allergy

Request for your chosen food ingredients or if you ask for a taste sample is not a bad idea. However, try to be modest and polite with this request. You can simply ask to see the chef, if possible the waiter can furnish you with this information. The information given to you will help you to determine how the taste of the food will be.

And you will know if you are allergic to any of the ingredients. Also, if there are ingredients you seldom eat or have any idea about, this will guide you. Sometimes, you may request a sample taste if the food is not on the a la carte menu. The request for sample taste is conditional, which can only be allowed based on their prerogative.

5. Religious Rites (Halal and Haram)

Some religions do not permit their believers to eat some food or animal meat, which the religion totally forbids. For instance, according to Islamic rites, most Muslims are not permitted to eat pig meat and animals that are not killed according to Islamic rite. The non-allowed food is called Haram in Islam, while the allowed ones are called Halal.

Although, there is an exception to the norm if this is the only available food to eat. Quran permits them to eat the food, while still on that sojourn. Most restaurants put Halal signs on their menu or paste them on the wall to clear all doubts. Also, Buddhists are not prohibited from eating the meat of some animals. Asking questions before placing an order for food will solve most of the doubts.

6. Common And Most Ordered Food

Since you are in a strange restaurant common food, most ordered food and the food you are used to are your best choice. Eating what you know is very good because it is practically the meal you love to eat. This will save the stress of religious norms and allergies. Also, observing what most sojourners like to eat is another way of choosing and asking why more people love the meal. This can be a pointer to what to eat. Lastly, we have an array of common food like rice, which are being eaten all over the world. Choosing from them will save you the headache of searching for what to eat.

7. Food Recommendation

Recommended food is also good but the satisfaction you derived is still your decision to judge. This is when a friend or a family member directed you to a particular restaurant. He can recommend a particular food he has eaten there for you. Even he can give you some useful information, about the restaurant etiquettes and menu. However, I would rather prefer information about the etiquette and menu to food recommendations. Sometimes I may not like the food recommended to me but see a better one on the menu.

8. Personal Preference

Your personal preference counts a lot if you have a desire for any food, this can be ordered as a la carte. Even if the food is not on their menu, by a mere description the chefs will prepare the food for you. Your preference will be put into consideration when preparing the meal. If you are allergic to salt or another ingredient, it will be put into consideration when preparing your meal. Also, this is preferable for both vegans and vegetarians, etc besides there are so many restaurants that cook vegan meals.

Google search has been the source of information to millions of people all over the world, who are mostly online. Most businesses are online these days both small-scale businesses and large-scale businesses. Anywhere you found yourself in any part of the world, Google will locate a restaurant for you. All information about the restaurant will be online and this will help you to choose from their online menu. Also, there are other online platforms, that will educate you about the restaurant and menu. Similarly, If you ask questions from Quora by requesting people’s opinions about a restaurant and its food, you will get enough useful answers.

In Conclusion

A Series of efforts have been painstakingly inserted into this article, through strenuous research both personal experience and other people’s experience. We also used questionnaires to aid this article, in order to serve as a working document for both personal and group usage, also it will be useful for the purpose of personal travel or tourism. Finally, we would like to welcome different opinions and recommendations for our next articles and reviews.

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