Mistakes parents make are enormous in shaping and forming children’s life and future. Parent-child relationships continue to influence children’s development significantly during early life. We live in a stressful world, making it more crucial to instill emotional and mental resilience in our children. Neglect, harsh treatment, separation, incarceration, and having a parent or sibling with mental illness are examples of psychological trauma that any child may face. These occurrences have far-reaching psychological, and societal consequences. These are the mistakes parents make that affect child’s emotional and social interactions explain below:

Adverse childhood experiences determined that traumatic childhood experiences are a root cause of many social, emotional, and cognitive impairments. These mistakes parents make usually lead to an increased risk of unhealthy self-destructive behaviors, re-victimization, bad health conditions, and premature mortality. In this article, we will discuss typical parenting mistakes and how to help a child’s emotions.


Parents do make a lot of mistakes when it comes to raising a child, but I will not attribute all the blame to them because parents cannot be everywhere at the same time. Most parents leave too much responsibility in the hands of a third party, especially teachers and maids. Children are responsible and liable but parents too have more responsibility to themselves, especially between husband and wife. The mistakes hereby expatiate below.

Setting And Enforcing Boundaries

Many parents are unsure of how to set limits and assist their children to follow them. Some parents have negative recollections of the regulations placed on their children. They believe that by allowing their children to remain teenagers, they are doing them a favor. Many youngsters, though, grow up with a sense of entitlement. Children believe that their needs are the most important in the family, and they will always satisfy their desire. As a result, children are always misbehaving, and unpleasant to be around them.

Parents especially fathers must learn to have high expectations of their children and enforce those demands with love and compassion. Children must be rewarded for good behavior and face consequences for lacking an understanding of the rules. However, in any system of discipline that you wish to adopt, try to be consistent till you achieve the best result. But let your objective include that if children follow the rules, they must have a positive relationship with their parents. Otherwise, they will grow resentful and rebellious towards them, especially to the father.

Spending Time With Partner

Having two parents benefits children. When start having children, many parents focus on their children’s demands, forgetting that they too have adult needs. Spending time with your partner demonstrates to youngsters that their parents require time to reconnect and engage in blissful adult activities. It also gives them time to find solutions to problems and regulations. Also on how they can be consistent in their parenting activities.

Finding someone you can rely on to care for your children is critical, even when contracting babysitting to a friend. Alternatively, ensure that you enjoy uninterrupted nights. Parents not only feel closer to one another, but they may also keep their love alive and find methods to relax and have fun. What is the alternative? Possible extramarital affairs, separation, or divorce, with all of the emotional baggage entails. It is better to keep their relationship freshly exciting, by going on night dates and having fun with each other.

Neglecting The Children’s Emotional Imbalance

Children experience a wide range of emotions. They, like adults, are unhappy, angry, envious, disappointed, and want things. On the other hand, children do not always understand what emotions they are experiencing or how to cope with them effectively. Parents should assist their children in categorizing their feelings by stating things like, ‘you appear down, I’m guessing you’re furious that…, you look a little wretched, I figure you’re feeling a little sad because….’

Therefore, children must also learn the importance of managing their emotions perfectly. As a result, parents must teach their children to ask respectfully and assertively for what they want. They must also give kids techniques for dealing with their emotions. This is done by creating an angry corner where they can pound a pillow or draw an angry picture. These can be helpful until children learn more about mature ways of dealing with their emotions.

Another way of dealing with such emotions is taking a “time out” and then talking about how they feel. The most error that parents make is listening to their children’s problems and advising them on what to do about them. If we want our children to be self-sufficient, we must assist them in resolving their issues and learn to handle them appropriately in our absence.

Ineffective Role Models

We are our children’s role models because they love to imitate us and copy what they see. If a parent wants their children to grow happily, loving, and courteous, they must instill good behavior in them. Some parents routinely violate the house rules. Many adults lose their cool with their children more than with anyone else. It is probably true that if you witnessed someone else talking to their children the way you do, you’d be enraged! Every day, we teach our children about anger management.

It is explained further that the mistakes parents make that affect child’s emotional and social interactions are enormous. We demonstrate that using force and raising one’s voice to control others is appropriate. Adults must learn to remain cool to use more effective parenting approaches to regulate their children’s behavior. Parents will never earn their children’s respect until they can control their wrath. Children will never acquire an internal moral compass if they act out of fear of punishment rather than learning from their mistakes. I’m sure I do not need to discuss the message some parents send to their children when they hit them.

Expecting Perfection

It is good to want your child to excel and strive for greatness however, that is not how things work in real life. Setting the bar too high leads to challenges in their self-esteem and confidence later in life. Endeavor to create mental strength in your children by setting good reasonable expectations. Even if your children do not meet up. Yet the challenges they confront will teach them essential life skills and how to succeed in subsequent times.

Forming Of Bad Habits

Children require proper sleep, a good diet, frequent exercise or yoga, and parents should regulate their screen time. Many parents make basic mistakes by allowing their children to do things that are not good for them. They fail at the first hurdle by refusing to insist on beneficial habits, such as doing homework before watching TV. Children whose parents understand the broader picture of healthy attitudes will have a better chance of helping their children make sensible decisions. If we wish to raise healthy, well-balanced children, parents must make solid decisions in their children’s best interests and stick to them.

Allow Them To Assist In The House

Many parents believe they must do everything for their children. They raised entitled children who leave the house unable to cook for themselves or even clean up themselves. Parents must teach their children to assist in the house chores and their personal hygiene. Parents must recognize that their responsibility is to produce helpful, self-sufficient children who have a strong work ethic and can contribute to society. Giving youngsters pocket money ‘simply because they are alive helps them feel as if they have a right to money instead of working for it.


Increasing Emotional Intelligence

Taking the time to recognize and label emotions teaches children to pay attention to their feelings. It is significant because becoming aware of our emotions is the first step toward learning how to manage them. Simply expressing an emotion might sometimes help to defuse it. Too frequently, we try to pretend we are not feeling bad until it is too late and we are miserable.

Acknowledging a negative feeling reduces its strength and allows you to begin thinking creatively about what to do with it. You may help children learn to do this by modeling it for them. In This article, mistakes parents make that affect child’s emotional and social interactions are not easy to correct if the damage has been done.

Managing Strong Emotions

Another benefit of teaching a youngster to define his emotions deliberately is encouraging him to begin paying attention to how he feels. This means he may detect an emotion earlier before it becomes overwhelming. Parents are sometimes taken aback by the intense emotions displayed by their children during tantrums. Children do not go from calm to wailing on the floor in a moment; it takes a lot of time, thoughts, and energy. Emotions are like a wave, accumulate over time. Kids can learn to control overwhelming emotions by detecting and labeling them before the wave becomes too large.


The impact of emotionally stable children in society, in the long run, is very significant. Parents need to ensure that they take note of their children’s emotions and give them the best attention they require. There are a few points that we did not mention, like the impact of government policy and ideas. This is very significant because if government policy affects the parent in any way, the psychological effects will impair both parent and children. A good number of parents started well in bringing up their children but situations and circumstances beyond their control have affected them negatively. finally, I will implore the parents not to give up on their children because they are our future and hope.



Edited by,

Prince Modupe Kashaam

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