Wisdom is gained through learning and often by instinct but learning is a rigorous mandatory commitment. Meanwhile, continuous learning is by wisdom. Therefore, several set of people is bound to excel, because of their adamant theory and unequivocal approach to success. Every one of us desired to succeed in life. But, many were not prepared to walk the work, and take the pain-staking steps.

Leanings are a must especially when we were very young, and still under parental care. However, when we become independent, and of age. We feel there is too much tail guide, and we long for freedom. On many occasions, we completely forget that we are under training. And as such, they have an obligation to protect us as they see fit. Otherwise, there would be too much condemnation in the area of home training in the near future.


Every one of us will have to plan for the future and development on basic security. By preparing to embrace new, and simplifying methods on how to excel with modern techniques. And that’s called continuous learning. It simply means that they have prepared subconsciously. Your spiritual confirmation in time of adversary. Your level of understanding of others, and your capacity to analyze situations as fast as possible. Only based on these aspects, can your status be changed.

Remembered, Jehovah had in time empowered every single one of us. We are uniquely and independently created to dominate the world as males and females. By multiplying and subduing every obstacle along with our ways. Therefore, it is not a crime, if you aspire to be better than others in your immediate environment. As iron sharpens iron! You must endeavor to be useful for others’ benefit. The only way to create wealth and success. REMEMBER NO EXCUSES IN HEAVEN!


And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD; Isaiah 11:2


And he went down with them, came to Nazareth, and was subject unto them: but his mother kept all these sayings in her heart. And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man. Luke 2:51-52


Judas said to his men, ‘Do not be afraid of their numbers and do not flinch at their attack. 1Maccabees 4:8 As we aspired to be successful in every one of our undertakings. We would not relent nor rescind until we overcome our enemies. As they continue to mimic the son of God. Please, identify them. Helped us to conquer them by separating the scavenger of our glorious moments.

Annihilate every power of failures, all impossible accomplishments, and completely removed all dynamic arrows of distrust sewn into our garments of victory. In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth amen.  Deliver my soul from the sword; my darling from the power of the dog. Psalms 22:20

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